Latest project

Circle Of Life

The circle of life is a concept that describes the natural cycle of birth, growth, decay, and death. It implies that everything that lives is interconnected and interdependent, and that nothing can exist without the balance of creation and destruction.

Death is an essential part of this circle, as it allows for the renewal of life and the maintenance of equilibrium. Rather than the end of life, it is the beginning of a new cycle, providing the opportunity for new life to emerge, evolve and flourish.

A civilization based on infinite growth, on the other hand, is a contradiction to the circle of life. It assumes that resources are unlimited and that consumption can continue without consequences. Such a civilization is doomed to collapse, as it will eventually exhaust its environment and grow itself into extinction.


Past projects

Information Age
The Beauty In Small Things
The City
The Traveling Salesman
Conjunction Of The Spheres
The Glitchy Salesman
Mining Structures
Pink Daisies
Tempus Fugit
Cloverfield Outtakes
Sinking Cities